I have received no official word, but this is popping up on Facebook...
In view of the evolving COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation, ICTC has made the difficult decision to SUSPEND PERFORMANCES OF "THE ONION GAME" for THIS WEEKEND ONLY (Mar. 12-15). We expect "THE ONION GAME" to continue as scheduled Thurs., Mar. 19-Sun., Mar. 29. ICTC plans to use this week-long suspension to be sure that The Andrews Theatre and the Chris O'Neill Lounge are as healthy and safe as possible for our audiences, artists, and staff, based on CDC and NYS Department of Health guidelines. Questions? Please call the ICTC Box Office @ (716) 853-4282 or email benjamin@irishclassical.com. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Wishing you continuing good health!