Jeffrey Coyle from "The Undeniable Sound of Right Now" at Road Less Traveled with Lisa Ludwig who is starring in "Annapurna," the two-hander at the New Phoenix
Matinee co-owner Rex Keppel with Anna Krempholtz who is playing Ophelia at the Irish Classical Theatre Company
Rosencrantz (Peter S. Raimondo), Polonius (Chris Kelly), and Brendan Didio
ICTC Assistant Stage Manager Jessie Miller with Adam Yellen who plays one of dramatic literature's greatest best friends, Horatio, in Hamlet.
Shea's subscribers John and his girlfriend Erin Handel who saw "Book of Mormon" with Dylan Rizzo and actor Steve Jakiel. (That's Matinee regular, actor Claire Bloom in the background).
Prop master Diane Almeter Jones with Ana Krempholtz
Angelo Heimowitz who is rehearsing "Looking Through Glass" at JRT/WNY; Patrick Cameron who plays Laertes in "Hamlet" at ICTC; Nathanial Higgins who is rehearsing "A Time to Kill" at Desiderio's Dinner Theatre; and Guy Balotine who is playing William Shakespeare in "Equivocation" at the Kavinoky Theatre